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Chronicle of a Sophrologist: The Importance of Meditation

It has been proven, meditation changes the cells in the brain! Although it would not appear to be the case, the act of having eyes closed and staying calm, in a meditative state, is not just a state of relaxation. On the contrary, it serves to transform the functioning of the brain. Meditation focuses on the internal space: halting feelings, emotions, and thoughts which circulate freely to a state of complete focus on a single object. This training of the mind, as has been proven by MRI scans “improves attention span, and mental alertness" explains Antoine Lutz, an expert at the center of neuroscience, Lyon. Meditation allows us to better manage our emotions, a possible solution for those suffering from depression. It’s also possible from this practice to learn to reduce physical pain, negative thoughts, and even slow down the aging process of the brain, since it stimulates the connecting neural pathways, which reduces stress. Scientific testing has proven that with time, there are noticeable physical differences. Mathieu Ricard, official emissary to the Dalai Lama in France, and one of the world’s most prominent buddhist monks, also supports this notion. After about three months of meditating, tests have shown that test subjects have had a stronger immune system, a 20-30% increase in antibodies, as well as an increase in the body’s white blood cells. Meditation further contributed to the reduction of cholesterol in the blood and drop in blood pressure. Contrary to popular belief, meditation is a simple skill that anyone at any age can learn. Already known for its healthy benefits to adults, for children, meditation can also be beneficial. Adults forget or are perhaps not conscious of the daily stress that can affect children, such as peer pressure in school, stress from parents, or the arrival of a new brother or sister. Meditation can help children assuage their negative emotions, especially anger or anxiety and overcome their daily challenges. Children also learn to express their feelings of anger, sadness or discomfort in healthy ways. The ultimate benefit of meditation is that it boosts overall wellbeing, leaving you feeling unencumbered. The sense of balance which comes with meditation only comes with thorough self understanding, and acceptance of others and the environment at large. Of course it is not possible to stay balanced all of the time, but all the same, start to practice meditation on your own rhythm and on your own time. For more information on the topic, or for those who want to start meditating, contact me directly and I will provide a simple and straight forward guide, which is easy for everyone to use. Aude Mahoudeau-Campoyer Sophrologist, Hypnotherapist, EFT practitioner FB: Sophrology and Hypnotherapy by Aude Mahoudeau



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